Thursday, November 6, 2008

Week in Review (so far)

So my work week is complete and I'm still alive. I knew that I would make it and it wasn't as bad as I had expected. As I mentioned in one of my previous blogs, the anticipation of it was worse then the week itself. I kept myself busy with making and having appointments. To my surprise, people were really open to meeting over the phone to do reviews and initial appointments. I see my self really enjoying my part-time schedule (it also helped that on Tuesday and Thursday I was able to pick up Gianna early)!!

Here are some fun pictures from the week:
This is a hat that I bought Gianna right after she was born. For the longest time her head was too small but it fits now...and isn't it ADORABLE?!

Gianna participated in the Election on Tuesday and VOTED (Yo Vote) so she wanted to show off her sticker. We won't disclose who she voted for.

Gianna's 3 month birthday was on November 5th so we put on the birthday hat and took some great pictures. We can't wait to look at each month to see how she has changed. We love taking these pictures and she's such a good sport.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shes sooo frickin cute! haha