Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We're rolling over!!

It has been a wonderful past few days. Gianna started rolling over last week and we were able to capture it on video. We can't believe it!

Also, Grandma Gertz and Grandpa Ralph were here for the holiday weekend and Gianna had a wonderful time. Grandma Gertz showed Gianna how to file her nails, Grandpa Ralph is an expert in putting Gianna to sleep humming jazz music and both made great babysitters when Mike and I went out for a date night.

Sunday we were able to spend some time with our BFF Luke and meet cousin Suzanne.

Lastly, we're into our second week back to work and only a few tears were shed when I dropped off Gianna at Bina's. She smiled when we walked in the door and seems to be enjoying all of the other kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get her a cellphone through AT&T, she'll love the roll over minutes!