Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Quick Update - First day back

Thanks everyone for the phone calls and emails wishing me good luck.

I'm sitting here and have about 3 minutes so I wanted to let everyone know how today went. You might be wondering why I'm using the word 'went' but it's because right after I go VOTE, I'm going to pick up Gianna. She has a short first day at Bina's which is fine by me.

So the morning wasn't the best but it got easier. I got up and had a great spinning workout at the gym to get me mentally prepared for my emotional day, although it didn't work. From the moment I stepped out of the shower, the water works started and pretty much continued on and off throughout the morning. Mike would give me a hug, I would cry. Gianna smiled at me, I cried. Numerous clients and people I spoke to were telling me to drink lots of fluids because they thought I had a cold, hahahaha!

After 3 appointments, 1 hour of setting up meetings for next week, 2 breast pumping sessions, 2 status reports with Bina and now going to VOTE, my work day is over and it's time to play with my peanut! I'm so excited to go get her.

1 comment:

Maryland Mommy said...

I don't know this from personal experience but I do know that as with anything...the first time is the hardest! Sounds like the day went better than expected and can only get better as time goes on. Congrats on making that first step back into the work world!! And what's this I read that you unsubscribed to my blog!! Pah! I will try to be only a little offended ;)!