Monday, November 17, 2008

Gianna is excited about...

...her first road trip to Rochester NY and spending 6+ hours in the car, bonding with Mommy and Daddy
...staying in her new room at Grandma Nater and Poppie's house
...meeting Great Grandma Anna and Great Grandpa Joe
...her first Thanksgiving Feast
...her first Macy's Day Parade
...BLACK FRIDAY in the Baby Bjorn
...meeting Darwin and Django (cats)
...meeting all of the neighbors
...being able to listen to Christmas music (officially)

Just to catch you up on a few things...
  • Gianna has become increasingly interactive within the past few weeks. Just this morning she had a whole conversation with Aunt Monica on the phone. We've heard a few little giggles within the past few days with the best little smile, it makes your heart melt.
  • Gianna had her first shower this past weekend with Daddy. Although she didn't smile during it, she wasn't crying either. We want to her enjoy the water so we made sure to put her face in it twice and she did great. Incidentally, we are signing up for Aquababies through the local indoor pool which starts in January. (We can't wait to buy her a bathing suit).

Again - for you picture fanatics, sorry! There will be a bunch after the Thanksgiving holiday.

1 comment:

Maryland Mommy said...

can't wait to hear what this shake-up is all about!!! :)