Thursday, November 27, 2008

It's Turkey Day

Hi Everyone! I bet you thought that we wouldn't post but I thought I would surprise you with some pictures of the week. First to catch you up on everything, the ride home was amazing. Gianna slept 4 1/2 out of the 6 hours which meant that mom was squished in the back seat for no reason. The weather was great traveling home and we made great time. We have been having a wonderful time at Grandma Nator and Poppies house. Gianna has logged a lot of great bonding time on her butterfly mat, sleeping on Grandma Nator, and "dancing" with Poppie. She easily adjusted to the new bed (the antique crib that my husband slept in-- sorry Nator -- had to say it), the new bath tub and all of the great toys. We are so lucky that our daughter has such a great temperament (we're not sure who she got that from) and adjusts to just about anything. She has had a consistent stream of great visitors coming over to say hello and she has loved every minute of it. We already made one quick trip to the mall but tomorrow we are going to experience BLACK FRIDAY!! Gianna will be in her baby bjorn and Mike & I will be armed with a smokin' credit card and some serious coupons. Based on the paper this morning, we should be able to get some great deals.
Here are just a few pictures from the week so far...

oh those baby blue's
laughing with daddy
I love my rocking chair
Gianna & Great Grandpa Joe
Gianna & Great Grandma Anna
I love hanging out with everyone

No - I'm NOT the turkey

We hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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