Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I've been Baptized

So Baptism weekend went off without any major glitches.

Saturday was a long but great day. Both Mike and I got up to go running in the morning, got ourselves a Starbucks and then it was off to the reception location to set up for Sunday. We were able to set up the location fairly quickly and had enough time to pick up Aunt Monica (and God-Mother) at the metro station before everyone started to arrive. Saturday afternoon was filled with quality time with family -- throw in some beers, football, pizza/wings, desserts and it's safe to say we had a pre-baptism party in full swing.

Sunday started with a relaxing breakfast (bagels and sweets from Royal Bagel Bakery) on the deck with the Grandparents and Aunt Monica, and then off to the Baptism. Although we were told there would be 5 families with children to Baptize, apparently everyone else changed their plans as we ended up having a private Baptism. Father Lou did a wonderful job and Gianna looked adorable in her dress. We were a little nervous about how well Gianna would do but once again, she was a perfect little baby (only crying for a second). After the Baptism, it was time to celebrate. Once everyone was into the reception hall, we enjoyed a wonderful feast which included an Italian cold cut platter, pasta salad, baked ziti and Italian sausage (see a theme). For dessert we had Savoia's Cookies and a custard filled cake from Giant (which was surprising good).

We want to give a special thanks to everyone who traveled to be here this weekend. It meant a lot to us and Gianna's day was more special because you were in it. Also, thank you to the Godparents (Monica DeBergalis and Kevin VanScott). We are so glad that you will forever be a special part of Gianna's life.

Now onto the fun stuff. I'm sure that you are all thrilled to read the play by play but would rather look at pictures of the weekend. I'm going to put a few below but don't forget to check our Photoworks Sharepage on the right side of our blog to look at all of the pictures, as there are quite a few.

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