Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Random Thoughts: Almost November 4th

I know it has only been a few day's since I've written but aside from the Baptism, I feel like so much other stuff has happened. Here is a follow-up on a few things...
  • So those kittens that were in the backyard apparently didn't like the neighborhood because they have relocated. Easy come easy go.
  • Fronk has a new name "Fronk the Bounty Hunter". We woke up last night to Fronk crying in our bedroom which was a good thing because she had caught a MOUSE and brought it upstairs! Yes, Fronk, the cat with no front claws - the cat who runs from spiders - the cat who hates it when she is dirty, caught a MOUSE. I'm still not sure how she did it but her killer instincts kicked in and then she felt the need to share it with Mom and Dad. Thank God I woke up and turned on the lights before just dismissing her. Needless to say, Dad is going to the store this afternoon to get some mouse traps! (I think she was protecting Gianna).

A few days ago, Gianna and I spent the afternoon at a local park. It was such a beautiful Fall day and mom was a little sad because she has since realized that her maternity leave is slowly coming to an end (and our money tree hasn't sprouted yet). Anyway, we spent the afternoon at the park playing and napping for about 2 hours. It was great to get outside, enjoy nature (we saw deer and geese), and get some well needed Vitamin D. I took some cute pictures that I've included below.

So yes, I can no longer avoid it but it is almost time to go back to work. I know there are some of you out there who might be saying things like "you have had 3 months off...that's longer then most" or "you still have another month -- why so sad" or the best is " you are only going back 3 day's a week". Although all true, they don't help. Don't get me wrong, I love my job but now I have found someone else that I love spending time with just as much (if not more). We have a wonderful daycare situation set up that we are so blessed for but I would rather it be me. I know there are a bunch of benefits to having Gianna with other children (and I'm not talking about the pink eye and the lice). I read the articles and see the new stories -- I'm just saying it is going to be very hard for me to get used to. So what am I scare of? Let me give you my top 3...
  1. That she will learn to like Ms Bina (daycare provider) more the Mommy
  2. That she will do things for the first time at Ms Bina's when mom isn't there
  3. That I won't be able to breastfeed because of my job (sales and therefore always in the car with no office) or my milk production will dramatically decrease. To try to avoid this I have been pumping and freezing my breast milk like crazy -- you should see our freezer! The American Pediatric Association recommends at least 6 months and if possible a year. I'm shooting for the middle - 9 months but that will require some crazy planning to try to pump during the day. Does anyone have any advice? With me traveling all over Maryland, DC, and Virginia with no office, my options are to pump in my car or a bathroom -- I have issues with both. In my car I could be in DC and there aren't any places for me to park without people walking by. Doing it in the bathroom doesn't seem very sanitary either. I have also heard if you are stressed out, don't even bother

Well there you have it. Any advice or words of wisdom would be appreciated. I have heard this is a rite of passage but it doesn't make it easier. Over the next few weeks I will start to ramp up, making phone calls to set up appointments for the first few weeks I get back. I'm also going to stop by to see Ms Bina just to confirm some details. I'll keep you posted but November 4th will be here before we know it. (Silver lining: We're getting closer to Christmas -- my favorite Holiday)


Nator said...

I heard today that women in Canada get a years maternity leave. It used to be 6 months. Now I know that Kingston, Ontario is closer to us than Germantown, MD, so, it has my vote!!!

patti said...

Im with Nader.
seriously things will go just fine.Gianna will not be more attached to Bina than you. It was very obvious baptism weekend that she knew who her parents were. Hang in there she will be so happy to see you and hear your voice after a day without you around. Good luck and keep your chin up.
Love Aunt Patti