Thursday, October 9, 2008

Calm before the storm

As you know, this weekend is Gianna's Baptism. I have slowly prepared a little bit each day when Gianna takes her naps although now it's crunch time. I spent this morning preparing the silverware because of course people can't pick up a fork, knife and spoon. They need to pick up the utensils wrapped in a napkin with a little pink bow. (I couldn't sleep last night so I thought this would look cute). The upstairs has been cleaned, the basement has been straightened and the bathrooms look great. Tomorrow I have to buy and make the center pieces for the tables, finishing cleaning the family room and kitchen -- then of course VACUUM. Family starts coming on Saturday and we are so lucky that the weather for this weekend is supposed to be 77 and sunny all weekend. (Possibly 80 on Monday). Also, keep your fingers crossed that all of the post-pregnancy workouts have worked and I can fit into the cute fall outfit that I have.

Let me catch you up on a few things:
  • Gianna slept for 9 hours last night. Does two nights of 8+ hours constitute a pattern?
  • Mike and I were discussing this morning that we are slowly losing the battle of the thumb. There is just no way we can always be looking at her and as soon as the binki comes out, the thumb goes in. This could be a great pool idea: What date will Mike and Gina wave the white flag and give into the thumb?
  • We have new neighbors...a mother cat and 5 kittens in the back yard. Fronk (our cat) always wanted a playmate -- and now she has a bunch.
  • Speaking of Fronk, she has just started to warm up to Gianna (take your time). We figured we would just go about our business and eventually she would realize that this little person wasn't going anywhere. Now that she has come around, there have been multiple instances of me feeding Gianna and Fronk curled up on my lap. (There is enough of me to go around).
  • I'm beginning to dread going back to work but more on this to come. Stay tuned.

To enjoy the calm before the storm, Gianna and I are meeting up with her BFF Aidan and a few new friends at the park this afternoon for alittle fresh air -- nothing like a little Starbucks and good company.

Enjoy the post -- have a great weekend -- we'll talk next week!


Anonymous said...

SUPER MOM, how do we keep up!
Love the spririt...and love Gianna, she has grown so much in such a short time.

Enjoy the baptism, wish we were there...see you the weekend of November 6th!!

The Phelps family

Anonymous said...


Gianna is beautiful!! I'm supposed to be getting some sleep for work tomorrow but instead I just sat here and looked at ALL the Congratulations again!

Nator said...

I read your comments about the "battle" of the binki vs. the thumb and I saw the "distress" that people have over it for myself this weekend, so I came home and did some research on my own. I e-mailed you an article that I thought was good, especially the section on "10 reasons against the pacifier." Hope it helps.