Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Gianna takes after daddy...

...when it comes to sleeping. The joke around our house is that Mike can sleep anywhere, at anytime, in about 1 minute. I will still be tossing and turning trying to find the perfect position and I will hear him snoring. Also, there are days when I think he would sleep all day if I didn't start vacuuming 2 feet from his head at noon (OK - a little exaggeration but you get my point).

Well, Gianna takes after Mike when it comes to sleeping. It took her about 30 minutes to fall asleep last night because she was having an detailed conversation with the sheep above her crib, but after she fell asleep she went TEN HOURS. I heard her moving and talking around 2AM as well as 6AM but neither times she was awake, so I let her keep sleeping. Before I knew it, Mike's was getting up to go to the gym and it was 7:15AM. I figured that I could get a little Pilate's in and no sooner did I get started -- she woke up. I was actually relieved because I started to wonder at what point I had to wake her up. We're so lucky as I hear and read of so many people who's children only sleep 3-4 hours at a time at night. When did your child start sleeping through the night?

Now if only I could sleep like Mike and Gianna.
Oh and by the way, I was able to finish my Pilate's 9:30AM.


Maryland Mommy said...

Zachary started sleeping through the night at 11 months and Madeline started at 9 weeks...she was consitently sleeping 10-12 hours a night until about 2 months ago and now she gets up once usually but for no more than 10 minutes which is good!

Love the work on the blog :)

Stephanie said...

Aidan started sleeping through the night the weekend before I went back to work - he must have known! But, sleeping through the night for us meant until 4am (from 8pm-4am), so I think that 10 hours is fabulous! Go little sleeper!! Ditto on the blog - you've inspired me!

Anonymous said...

mike goes to the gym?

Erin J. Photography Blog said...

Haley was sleeping through the night (off and on) from 8 weeks on! Don't get too comfortable, they go through patterns but at least Gianna knows how to do it! So even if she starts waking up she'll go back to sleeping through the night at some point.