Monday, October 6, 2008

Oh how we have changed in two months

Life is filled with many small segments of time. The time leading up to a holiday or special event. The time leading up to a vacation or wedding. The time waiting for a new family member to arrive. This time can feel like it flies by or drags on forever. For us, the last small segment of time encompassed the past two months -- our first two months with Gianna. Oh how we have all grown and changed in the past two months, not only as a family but as individuals as well.

For myself, I am enjoying not working and spending time getting to know Gianna. I have learned how to not stress out when she cries, that she will talk herself to sleep, and that she won't die from having a poopie diaper for a little while. Just today I learned that I CAN stay in the doctors office while she was getting her shots, and not cry. All of that being said, I'm still working on being patient about the little tasks that need to be completed around the house and knowing that I can take time out for myself to workout each day. As a couple, Mike and I are still ironing out the crinks that comes with having a third party in the house, especially after 8 years together. It is just a balancing act of working together and being "Team Cimineri" to get all of the mundane household tasks completed on a weekly basis.

Then there is Gianna. We look at her and can't believe how much she has changed in two months. I was just looking at recent pictures and she is really growing into her own features. She still has curly hair AND blue eyes (I can't believe it). She has an amazingly cute gum smile, loves helping us go through our vowels, and loves to have conversations with us. We have been working on rolling over and getting used to laying on our side. Mike & I are still consistently taking Gianna's thumb out of her month and popping the binki in -- hoping that she will prefer the binki to the thumb. As of yet, I would have to say it is not working but we are giving it a valiant effort. Anyone have any advice? Is it really worth the challenge?

Today we had our two month doctors appointment (which all of you know means her first round of shots). Mike and I decided to split up the shots so she only received 3 today and will get the other 3 next week. Aside from some crying, Gianna was a trooper and is sleeping it off. We also got some updated statistics of how she has been growing:
Height: 23 1/4 (80%)
Weight: 11lbs 2oz (60%)
Also, a few weeks ago I had found some nodes on the back of her head which I was nervous about. Dr. Granger says that this is normal and that he isn't concerned about it. (Whew!)

This week we are all preparing for Gianna's baptism which is this Sunday, October 12th. We have family coming in from out of town and a bunch who have never seen our house before. We have been cleaning and straightening up the house, as much as you can with baby swings, baby mats, a Bebe Pod, baby toys, burp cloths and binki's strewn all over the house. The reception location has been confirmed, the food and cake have been ordered, and we're just praying for wonderful weather.

Lastly, since it was Gianna's two month birthday, we took her monthly picture. You will see some of the best one's below.

1 comment:

Maryland Mommy said...

Great post, Gina!!! And I am loving the new are getting the hang of this blog thing ;).

As for the thumb/binki, if she is happy with the thumb, let her have the thumb...both of my kids gave up binki's at 3 months and are fine...and they don't suck their thumbs now. Just my two cents :).

Had fun on the call last night and look forward to the next one. Have a great time on Sunday and Congrats to Gianna for being welcomed into the church (offically). We'll be thinking of you guys!!
