Monday, October 27, 2008

12 Weeks: Drool, Playdates, and Preparing for Work

Time sure does fly when you're having fun, I can't believe that Gianna will be 12 weeks old tomorrow. It seems like every day she is doing new things.

She pretty much holds her head up all by herself and loves to sit on dad's knee as he bounces her (as long as it isn't right after she has eaten otherwise we get a Stan aka throw up). Just yesterday we opened up her new toy - her Baby Einstein Saucer. We weren't sure if she would enjoy it but she has a ball. There are a bunch of toys on the top for her to play with although right now she is just checking everything out and introducing herself to each individual toy. Not so much into playing with them yet but it will come. All of our tummy time is paying off because she is pushing herself up with her arms a lot more which is a prerequisite for turning over and crawling. Any day now we expect her to giggle to accompany her awesome gum smiles. Also, she has gotten really good at playing "Swat Team" where she swats toys that are in front of her. We aren't sure if it is intentional but as soon as she hits the toy she looks in it's direction. You can really start to tell that she prefers some toys over others.

Things have been a lot better with the thumb vs binki debate. I have noticed that she now only sucks her thumb, if at all, when she is tired. Mike and I have noticed her lately gnawing on her fist and drooling a lot -- could she be teething? I just read an article that says baby's start teething anywhere from 2 - 10 months so it couldn't be out of the realm of possibility. Time to break out the teething rings.

One of the great things over the past few weeks is that we have had a bunch of different play dates with family and friends. I had forgotten to mention but Gianna and I are now a part of not 1, but 2 different mom's groups (work is going to get in the way of our social life). The first one is for working mom's that live in my area and as of right now, Gianna is the youngest (although a few of the mom's are pregnant with their second child) . This group gets together on the weekends and has a lot of different events around town. This is the group that hosted the Halloween Party that we went to last weekend. The other group we are in is a bunch of about 13 brand new mommies, with the oldest being Gianna and the youngest being 2 weeks old. We get together every Friday from 10-12 and then typically go out to lunch after. Some of the mom's are stay at home mom's and other's will be heading back to work shortly. The great thing about this group is that for about 90% of us this is our first child so we are all figuring it out together. I'm definitely seeing a lot of other BFF's for Gianna in this group, and there are a few cute boys in the group as well. Shhhhh - don't tell daddy.

Lastly, for those of you who have been tracking the blog, you know that I'm heading back to work next week. If you can believe it, I actually started getting things ready this weekend (buying supplies, organizing schedule, cleaning desk) and even started setting up appointments this morning (was able to set up 4 annual reviews). I believe I mentioned that I was going to try to work from home the majority of the time using conference calls. I learned about this new program that I could buy called GoToMeeting where I can share what is on my screen with my clients so we can review their plan in the comfort of our own offices. Mike and I looked at it this weekend and it looks like something that will definitely be worth the money. In today's mobile world, and seeing as though I have clients all over the country, it would be beneficial to review data real time and to ensure that we are all looking at the same thing at the same time. Emotionally I have moments of being really excited to get back to work although there is just as much sadness. Thanks to everyone who has provided me advice and support!

Random Thoughts:
  • For those of you who are keeping track already, less then 2 months 'till christmas. -- better start shopping or getting those lists together. We will be posting ours shortly : )
  • Any body else ready for this election to be over? I am although I'm a little nervous to see the outcome.
I know what you're thinking "She did this long blog with NO pictures?" We don't want to disappoint... so here you go...

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