Friday, October 31, 2008

101.6 (and that's not a radio station)

So this is the night we have been looking forward to, Gianna's first Halloween. We have the cutest cat Halloween outfit, have a little orange and black bow for her hair, and a TON of candy. With the weather being 65 today and sunny, I was looking forward to hordes of trick-or-treaters and putting Gianna in the Baby Bjorn so she could see all of the action.

It was such a great plan..until..I came down with a 101.6 fever.

Yeap - you read it correctly. I have been banished to the bedroom with a 101.6 fever, the chills, and a stuffy nose. After 20 minutes on the phone with the pediatrician, we found out that I can continue to breast feed (something about my body creating antibodies that will help her fight an infection) and that I can take some Tylenol. I'm starting to feel better although it isn't the night we imagined.

We are that house with all of the lights off. We are that house that gets egg'd and toilet paper'd because they are party poopers. Trust me - we don't want to be party poopers and we have a lot of candy to prove it. It's just too difficult for Mike to hand all of the trick-or-treaters, Gianna, and of course (the biggest baby) -- ME!

So we got some cute pictures earlier today at our play group meeting (which in retrospect we probably shouldn't have gone to) and there is always next Halloween, right?

...and a ton of candy for me!

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