Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hanging with my friends

Over the past week, Gianna and I have had a lot of play dates with her local BFF's (for you older folks, that's Best Friend Forever).

It started out with a wonderful afternoon with BFF Cousin Lucas (this time unplugged). You might remember that we visited him right after he was born in the hospital but it was great to see him at home in his own environment. He's got great parents that are showing him the ropes of the real world.

Saturday, it was off to the pumpkin patch with BFF Tyler and BFF Olivia. The weather was amazing, the kids were all in a decent mood and that meant PHOTO TIME. We staged a bunch of pumpkins and put all three kids next to each other and the picture is adorable (see below). There was even a moment of insanity when we stuck Gianna in a basket of pumpkins. We thought she would go crazy but she went with the flow. After 30 minutes to get out to the patch and 30 minutes of pictures, we were that cheesy family that didn't even go out in the pumpkin patch to pick our pumpkin, we just took one out of the basket that I referred to above. (A pumpkin is a pumpkin right?) This weekend we're going to carve it and make pumpkin seeds.

Sunday Gianna and I had our first Halloween Party. She was dressed as a little black cat and mommy was dressed as... mommy (how boring, I know). The party was hosted by one of the mom's in my play group and we made a lot of new friends. She even got some of the cutest Halloween hair clips as a party favor!

It's safe to say we are really enjoying this Fall!

(This is just a sampling of pictures from the past few days. Don't forget to view all of them on photoworks.)

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