Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Memories

It feels just like yesterday that we were running around the house getting everything packed for our Thanksgiving vacation. Here we are, over a week later, and the vacation has disappeared before our eyes.

We have so much to be thankful for while remembering the past week...
...that everyone traveled safe

... that the Santa in the mall was extremely patient as Gianna was not thrilled to sit on his lap

...that the weather on Thanksgiving Day was the best I can remember, which allowed Gianna to play outside with Grandpa Ralph

...the "Please and Thank You Tea Set" (early Christmas gift) from Grandma Gertz

...all of the friends and family we were able to spend time with over the week

Let the official holiday season begin. Remember, eat, drink, and be merry!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Hey! Grace has that same white sweater with the brown trim! Gianna looks adorable and BIG!