Saturday, November 14, 2009

Santa Came Early!

Last weekend we decided to have a little toga party with Gianna. We figure you can never be too prepared to know how to wear a toga (especially if she is going to St. Bonaventure like Mama and Dada). Lesson 1: Papertowels make a great toga when you are 15 months old.

Also, Gianna was lucky enough to have a Christmas preview this past week. Grandma Gertz and Grandpa Ralph had their Christmas gift shipped directly to the house and Pottery Barn was extremely fast in their delivery time! We were going to wait to put it up until we were closer to Christmas but figured Gianna would love playing with it now. Thank you Grandma Gertz and Grandpa Ralph!!!

Drum roll please............

Now we are just getting ready for Thanksgiving! Bring on the TURKEY (and stuffing, and pie's, and shrimp, and gravy, and cranberry sauce, and...)

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