Friday, September 11, 2009

Week of Vacation

Mike and I both took last week off of work which allowed us to spend some quality time with Gianna, do a little home improvement, and take a trip to NYC.
First - we had our kitchen floor redone! Out with the linoleum and in with the ceramic tiles. We had to move everything out of the kitchen and it was so nice having the fridge right in the family room. We didn't have to travel far to get a beer! Here is are some pictures:

Mid-week we took a trip up to NYC to visit Aunt Monica and Uncle Bri Bri. We were so lucky to have awesome weather and definitely made the most of our trip. Some of the highlights include:
Gianna's first ferry ride
Gina walking Broadway from Ground Zero up to Time Square
Bridesmaid dress shopping with Monica
McAleers wings (With Gianna on our lap - long story)
Crumbs Cupcakes!
Eating in Little Italy
Playing Pictionary Man ( "Gina just draw a tiger" - Monica)
BBQ with the DeAngelo Clan

This morning, since it is raining out and very fall-like, I thought Gianna needed a little coat so I put on her jean jacket for the 1st time. She is styling!

Lastly - welcome Fall and Football!

1 comment:

Monica said...

"Let's asses the situation.." -- Cimmi

HAHAHA! I miss you guys :( Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks xoxo