Saturday, March 21, 2009


Guys Night Out (GNO): A night where guys go out, separate themselves from their responsibilities at home which involve spending time with their wife and children, who, by the way, they don't see much of during the week because they are at work. Topics of discussion for these events involve:
- who is winning in the March Madness Tournaments
- work related venting
- comparing who's child is hitting their developmental milestones first
- complaining how we (the wives) are always nagging that they don't do enough around the house. SIDE NOTE: sounds justified to me seeing as though the first night they all have free they all go out for a guys night instead of bonding

The evening usually ends after midnight with these smart men with various advanced degrees wondering how they are going to get themselves home from this grand event seeing as though they can't drive and us wives are home with their little children (who are asleep).

The next day begins with sleeping in until at least 10 (and for those of you know have young kids, you know us moms will be up at 7 with them), lots of water, headaches, Tylenol, and of course nagging from the wives as to how irresponsible they are for getting that drunk!

Mom's Night Out (MNO): A afternoon or dinner with the mom's at a local restaurant enjoying some wine and good company. Maybe getting together for a manicure or pedicure. Usually wraps up around 7:30 so we are home to put the children to bed because we aren't convinced the Dada's really know how to work the bottle warmer. Topics of discussion for these events involve:
- work/life balance struggles
- losing the baby weight
- celebrity gossip
- how the dads will step over pacifiers and a crying baby to get to the remote control to watch March Madness.

The evening ends with putting the little one down for bed, washing our face, 10 toners, 2 lotions (one for the eyes), a large glass of water, vitamins, and a little Greys Anatomy (TIVO'd from earlier in the week).

Guess which one is happening tonight?


Anonymous said...

Amen sista! Ugh, so my husband might be spending the night at your house when he finds the door locked to his drunken self! lol.

When are we doing a girls night? It sounds lovely...we should go to that fun sangria bar :)

Anonymous said...

No offense, but Guys Night Out sounds alot more fun....... sorry.

God Dad