Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It has begun: Separation Anxiety

I actually started to think that we wouldn't get to this point. Gianna is exceptional right? She is different then all of the other 7 1/2 month olds. She has been the so easy going and hasn't had any of the typically new baby ailments. Why would she have separation anxiety?

Well - she does...and I feel like it is only the beginning.

It doesn't involve going to daycare, yet. When I take her to Ms. Bina's, she is fine and even smiles. There are so many friends and different toys there that I think most of the time she doesn't even realize that I had given her a kiss and left.

Her separation anxiety rears its ugly head at home, when we leave the room. Whether we are heading to the kitchen or the bathroom, she starts to cry. There have even been times when we put her down to do something and she cries. In some regards it flattering - that she loves us this much and finds us so much fun that she wants to cling to us all day long, but at some point Mama and Dada need to shower!

I'm reading it's going to get worse before it gets better. I've read to make it a game of peekaboo or keep talking to her while I'm in the other room. I've been using these tactics since she was a newborn and I think she is on to me. I know - this is a good thing. It means she is starting to learn that objects disappear and has to learn that they come back, but in the meantime her eye's are constantly puffy and Mama's ears are ringing. Any other advice?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no real advice to share just now. it sounds as if you're doing all the right things.

this is simply early payback for the separation anxiety you and mike will feel when gianna starts kindergarten, has her first sleepover, learns to drive, goes off to college...

sorry not to make you feel any better.

aunt andrea