Monday, December 8, 2008

Gianna's 4 Month Birthday

Another month has passed and we have new stats.

Of course there are the 4 month birthday pictures -- can't forget the birthday hat. I wanted to take this picture in her 'birthday suit' but Mike wouldn't allow it. Maybe for her 6 month : ).

Along with the 4 month pictures was a 4 month doctors visit. She was supposed to have another round of shots but with her cold, we decided to hold off a week. We got the go ahead to start introducing rice cereal with a spoon to get her used to feeling a spoon in her mouth. Once she is good with that we can do Stage I foods, but only 1 per week so we can track any allergies. We have all of her updated stats. She is right on track for her age.

Height 25 in (75%)
Weight 14.1 lbs (75%)

Over the weekend, although Gianna had a horrible cold, she was still in a wonderful mood. Mike started to get Gianna's cold on Sunday so he was banned from touching her. In order to entertain her, he would do funny things to make her smile. One of the things that she really loved was his Bullwinkle interpretation. She was laughing so hard and we were able to capture some of it. This video makes our day...Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

nice voice mike

Nator said...

She is just tooooo beautiful (God Bless her....)

Anonymous said...

awesome, can't wait to see you guys this weekend!