Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmakkah Party and Rice Cereal

Now, some of you are probably either trying to pronounce the title of this blog or if you can say it, you're probably wondering what it means. Well "Christmakkah" (Christ-mah-ka) is the combined celebration of Christmas and Hanukkah, picture Santa Claus and dreidals . So last night we were invited to a Christmakkah party with a bunch of friends and here are some pictures. By the way, don't you love her Christmas outfit?? Mike now knows what bloomers are!

My eye's are still blue!

I'm sitting up like a Big Girl.

My BFF's Olivia and Tyler

Daddy, Can I have some of your beer?

Also the Doctor has given us the OK to start Gianna on rice cereal. So far so good -- we have cereal on her face, cereal on her bib, cereal on her seat although I'm not sure how much cereal is going down her throat. Oh well, at least we're having fun.

1 comment:

Nator said...

I keep telling you she is gifted......