Sunday, November 30, 2008

Teething and a new job?

Just this week Gianna started to lick and chew everything she can get her hands on - and she doesn't discriminate. She has sucked on Grandma Nator's face, rings that dangle from her play mat, her sheep named Fleece, her bibs, her burp cloths and a few fingers. We don't see any teeth coming through yet but either our daughter is part dog or she is definitely teething. We have some teething rings that are too big for her to hold so Mike and I went to Target yesterday to buy some that she can hold and chew on. She has been loving those and slept with one in the crib last night. We have her 4 month doctor's appointment next Monday so I'm going to check with the Dr to see what he says. Can you believe that she will be 4 months old on Friday? You know what that means - new monthly birthday picture and new stats from the Dr.

Also some of you might already know but Mike has taken a new job with Affiliated Computer Services (ACS) as a finance manager and starts December 8th. This new job is a great move as it is a promotion and will look good on the resume. Unfortunately instead of being 4 miles from home, he will now be down in DC which is an hour commute, each way. That means the great schedule we have for dropping off and picking up Gianna will be changing. It will definitely take some getting used to but is the best thing given this job environment. The great thing is that there is a facility 5 minutes away from our house that his department it looking to move there in the near future.

Oh, by the way, I'm posting this from the car on our way back home to Maryland. Greetings from the middle of no where PA.

Pictures from Thanksgiving coming tomorrow - hopefully.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fancy Phone!

-Sent from my Dell POS Desktop