Monday, November 3, 2008


Tomorrow is the day I've been dreading since August 5th -- not the election but going back to work.

I think we have everything in order so that we will be a well oiled machine. The supplies have been dropped off at Bina's and Gianna's backpack is packed (yes she has a cute pink baby backpack).

Feelings: Excited to get back to work, nervous that Bina will ruin our well established routine (or not spend enough time with Gianna, or let her watch TV), glad that Gianna will have some friends to play with and learn from (nervous that she will learn all of the wrong things from those kids or share in the group illnesses).

One thing that I have learned is that sometimes the anticipation of something is worse then the actual act.

Also, I love posting to the blog but now with working I'm not sure how much time I'm going to have to devote to it. I will definitely post once a week but I will try to post more to let you know how everything is going.

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