Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why can't I?

If you remember back a few posts, I started writing about my concerns with going back to work. I have received some great feedback from that posting and am starting to warm up to the idea of going back to work. I mean there are benefits right? I will be able to have some adult conversations during the day, Gianna will learn how to interact with other kids, ideally there will be more income coming into the household. So now that I understand reality -- I am going back to work -- I have taken it a step further. I own my own business so why couldn't I create my perfect work schedule?

Even better yet...

Why can't I hold all meetings in the local office or have conference calls from my home office?
Why can't I continue to breastfeed?
Why can't I hold office hours from 9-5?
Why can't I go to the gym 3 days a week?
Why can't I work 3 days a week?
Why can't I do play dates on Friday - Monday?
Why can't I be a mom and still be fashionable?
Why can't I still have date nights with Mike?

The best part about it is I can do all of that and more, right?


Nator said...

There is NO doubt in my mind that you will make it ALL work and still be the greatest mother, wife, daughter, sister and daughter-in-law that you are. Love you.

Stacy said...

I struggle each day with finding a balance of family time, marriage time, mothering time and self time for exercise and rest and writing, etc. I think the balance has to get constantly renegotiated as the baby grows older and AHEM!, more MOBILE.

You are not the first mom to worry about all of these concerns and you certainly are not the last. You have a great group of mother friends who are also juggling the same issues and you are not alone, I hope you don't feel that way. Although, it is hard not to, I know. It does feel daunting at times and more days than I care to admit I'm the one who gets lost in the shuffle but it all does work out in the end.

I, personally, try to tell myself each day, especially if my workout plans get foiled or I'm up in the night with Noah and exhausted the next day, that he is only THIS old today and I only have this present moment to enjoy, (can't live in the past or future) and I try to just lay on the floor with him and absorb his babyness while it lasts, because it goes so fast. His smiles and sounds are so rewarding!

Good Luck with all the changes you have coming your way in the next week or so ... hang in there, it'll work out.