Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bonding with Daddy

This past weekend was wonderful because Daddy was home for 3 full days. Daddy and I did a lot of bonding which included watching football (Go Bills), going clothes shopping, and of course practicing our vowels some more.

I love my Daddy!
Catching some zzzzzzz's

Also, Daddy picked out my outfit for Monday -- great choice Daddy. (It says "I'll always be daddy's little girl)

Check out my video of me trying to hold up my head in the Bebe Pod. I've been working on this so I'll be ready to sit for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Practice makes perfect right?


Maryland Mommy said...

Those pictures of Gianna asleep in the boppy is just adorable! Hope you guys are doing well! Can't wait to meet her!!!

Alexis :)

Nator said...

Beautiful video of my grandaughter but I seem to detect a Redskin football jersey on my daughter-in-law. Say its not true Gina.