Sunday, October 19, 2008

Daddy's First Blog...

When Gina was pregnant, lots of people asked me "you're hoping it's a boy, right?", and my response was always, no, actually I am pulling for a girl. I was really being honest, I really wanted a girl (although either would have been just as wonderful obviously.) Well, I've come to realize just how much I underestimated just how great it is having a girl. Since Gianna was born there have been lots of great things that her and I do, like I get to put her to bed everynight after giving her a bottle, we practice our vowels, sing our ABC's when we change dirty diapers and recently we've started what has become one of my favorite things...watching football together!!! Everyweek we put our Buffalo Bills jersy's on, grab a beer and hit the couch. For those of you who are thinking, "I can't believe she watch's TV"..well she really doesn't, plus I make it a "learning" experience, like any Dad would. For example, last week we learned about offsides and roughing the passer. This week we learned about clipping and pass interference!!

Next week...encroachment and onside kicks!!!!!! GO BILLS!!!


Nator said...

There better be breast milk in that Heineken can......

Maryland Mommy said...

Hilarious!!! Dave is enjoying teaching Madeline these same things!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Next will be Fantasy Football. I'd offer my expertise to help teach her, but apparently my knowledge is limited.