Saturday, September 27, 2008

What a week to remember

The week started out kind of slow (no pun intended) -- Monday we relaxed around the house while Mike and I were urgently waiting a #2 (aka bowel movement) from Gianna, as it was 6 days in counting. Upon calling the doctor we were instructed to do the rectal thermometer trick and if that didn't work, try BabyLax. Lucky us as the thermometer trick did NOT work so off I went to multiple stores to find BabyLax. Tuesday morning, from 8-12, was nothing but changing diapers every, ahhh, 30 minutes as the BabyLax works (FAST). After her system calmed down, we ran some errands in preparation for her Baptism on October 12th. Wednesday, Gianna and I planned an surprise dinner for dad and spent the majority of the day preparing/cooking (homemade Boneless Buffalo Wings and Quesadillas). Thursday we started teaching Gianna how to put her 'binki' back in her mouth, although it is a work in progress, and went out to dinner as a family for the first time (dad's treat). Friday was Cimineri Family Fun Day! Dad took the day off and we went shopping to get Gianna's Baptism dress, went to lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and then met up with Gianna's BFF Livi for dinner.

Gianna has been a great girl all week and is changing every day. Here are some pictures and video's below which highlight the week.

Hanging out with mom and my rings.
I prefer to use an adult pillow when I sleep, it's more comfortable on my developing head
When Mom and I walked to the grocery store it was really sunny so we had to protect my head with my do-rag (and never leave home without my binki).

Just me looking cute sleeping (with my binki attached to me).

I wore this for Cimineri Family Fun Day. It's my track outfit.

One of my favorite onesies that says "Yes I'm cute. It's ok to look".

1 comment:

Nator said...

Gina and Mike, you guys are doing an amazing job with her already....