Monday, September 22, 2008

How long did you think it took for disposable diapers to decompose?

Well the answer is about 500 years!

"Today I feel like posting some interesting facts about some of the most common products we use on a daily basis. I know that in these days, all we hear is recycle this or reuse that, but it all comes at us for a reason. We’re finally realizing that we can make a difference for the future of our Earth, so why not act upon it? Many times we can become blinded from the endless amounts of statistics and numbers being introduced, but maybe this list can help us understand how important it is to watch what we do with these essential daily items. Check out how long each of these products take to decompose in the environment…

Banana Peel: 3-4 weeks
Paper Bag: 1 month
Cotton Rag: 5 months
Wool Sock : 1 year
Lumber : 10-15 years
Tinned Steel Can: 80-100 years
Aluminum Can : 200-500 years (But if recycled, it can be reused within 6 weeks!)
Disposable Diapers: 500 years
Plastic Bags : 1 million years
Glass : Unknown
Styrofoam: Eternity

Just make sure you care as much about the container as you you do about the healthy food within it. "

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