Saturday, September 25, 2010

Balance of Power

There are many reasons to be thankful for the things that we have, but one of them is that the balance of power will now be restored in the Cimineri Household. We found out a few weeks ago that Gianna will have a little brother in February! Mike is thrilled to know that he will now have a partner in crime and Gianna keeps telling everyone that she is having a baby!

Since we have posted last, Monica and Brian had their wedding. The day was amazing, the bride and groom looked great and everything went off without a hitch. I have some pictures from the rehearsal dinner but I'm relying on the photographer for all of the pictures from the wedding. When they are online, I will post a link.

We have also been slowing painting and decorating the house (although we are in no rush). As I type, Mike & Poppie are painting the morning room -- I feel like I should be helping, ahhhh, maybe not :) .We recently went out on a great day to enjoy our new town, at the Celebrate Victor NY Festival. The weather was great and we are surprised as to how many cute little shops are in Victor that you never see when you are driving through.

Today Gianna had her first gymnastics class. It started a little rough as I didn't think she was going to do anything but with Daddy's help, she finally loved the trampoline, the balance beam and the bouncy balls!
Lastly, we are on the potty training train! Choo Choo! Yesterday we banashed diapers (while she is awake), gave her a ton of juice, and stickers/crackers as a reward. All day she only had 2 accidents and even told us that she had to go to the bathroom when we were out to dinner!! As of 1PM today - we are still going strong. I think we might be onto something.

Bonding with Baby Ella Hart!

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