Saturday, June 5, 2010

So many updates

Over the past few weeks we have been extremely busy.

There have been a bunch of changes to the house and we found out that it will be completed anywhere between July 1st - July 10th. Last week they finished the siding, some of the flooring, the first coat of paint and the lighting. This week is the crown molding and installing the cabinets. I can't believe that we are within a month from being in our new house!!

Also, Gianna started "school" (aka daycare) this past week going 3 days a week, all day. She is getting back into the routine that she was out of for the entire month of May while bonding with the grandparents. The good news is that each day we hear that she cries a little less.

At the end of May, Mike and I traveled back to Maryland for the last time to close on our house. It was definitely bitter sweet. We tried to hit up every restaurant that we loved and hung out with our closest friends!! It was odd leaving the house knowing that it is no longer ours, after 5 years of that being "home". I guess that means we're officially homeless, right? : )

Lastly, Aunt Monica and Bri Bri were in town last weekend for their bridal shower. It was great to see both of them and spend some QT time together. Who would believe that in less then 3 months they will be Mr. & Mrs. Brian DeAngelo?? Pictures of the event coming soon!

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