Monday, February 1, 2010

1 Week Down

Last week was crazy - to say the least.

It began with Gianna getting her first black eye after falling down a few stairs while in her stroller at the eye doctors (note first picture, you can see a black eye on her right eye). We had a wonderful dinner with some friends on Monday night and then it was back to daycare/work for Tuesday - Thursday. Aside from some showings, everything was pretty much back to normal. Friday, Aunt Mon ka came to keep us company over the weekend -- which was awesome. I'm not sure if she will ever want to come back with how hectic things are. We had 2 showing on Saturday, of which only 1 showed up because of a huge snow storm that we were getting (6 inches total). Everything culminated with a open house on Sunday from 1-4 and saying goodbye to Aunt Mon ka.

All I have to say is selling a house it stressful -- bring on another week (or better yet, some contracts so we can check this experience off my list).

Things we are looking forward to:
  • Gianna's 18m birthday on Friday!
  • Dada coming in this weekend for a visit
  • Gianna sprouting teeth like crazy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Black eye or not, Gianna is still as cute as can be!

Aunt Andrea