The Cimineri's: 0
N1H1: 1
We have always heard that being a parent will change your life and we have definitely learned that lesson this week.
The week started off like any other, Mike at work on Monday, Gianna and I enjoying our day off together. By the end of the day, I noticed that Gianna was becoming very cranky and wanting to be held. Not thinking anything of it, we put her to bed a little early that night. We were all focusing on the excitement of the upcoming weekend which involved a trip home to NY for a family wedding as well as various other events.
Tuesday morning is when we realized something didn't seem right. She had a slight fever of 99.9 but we have been told various times that it isn't a fever unless it is above 101, so we shipped her off to day care. We explained to our day care provider what was going on and told her to call if she got worse. At 11:30, my phone rang and the caller ID had my day care providers number. I knew she wasn't calling to say hi. Gianna's temperature was up to 101 and she wasn't doing well. Mike left work to get her (of course I was in DC at an appointment) and put her down for a nap. When she woke up a 3 her temperature was up to 104. After a visit to the doctor confirming no ear infection, no respiratory issues, and no bladder infection, it was assumed she had the flu and she would start to feel better soon. We had to focus on liquids and provide medication ever 4 hours. Preliminary phone calls went out to let everyone know what was happening and of course, that we were now nervous about traveling for the wedding.
Wednesday morning brought promise of a new day - although it went down hill from there. Gianna had no fever until early afternoon and then it spiked to above 104 again. At dinner when she was lethargic and not eating, so we decided to take her to the emergency room. After 3 hours of minor tests (chest x-ray and blood work) all coming back negative and a saline drip to provide her some fluids, it was determined she has the flu, although this time of year it is known as the Swine Flu or H1N1. Treatment is the same for any flu, hydration, rest, and medication for the fever. We left the hospital with her temperature down to normal and thought maybe the worst was over. Our thoughts on the weekend: if she can get through Thursday without a fever, we are on the road first thing Friday morning.
Thursday...another day of optimism. Gianna had no fever when she woke up and was playing as normal...until 2:30 when her temperature rose to 102.7 and rounded off the evening to 103.3. Just like that our weekend plans had crumbled and we realized this flu was not letting up. After skipping the night bath and providing her more medication we put Gianna down early allowing her body some time to rest. Then, Mike and I drowned our sorrows in candy and gin and tonic's - which made us feel a little better.
So here we are. Friday early afternoon. No sign of a fever and she is playing as normal. I am on my 5th load of laundry, have wiped all play areas down, Lysol'd the house, taught Gianna how to "scrub scrub scrub" her hands and that antibacterial lotion is "magic soap". We have come to terms with the fact that this weekends plans will continue on without us. Now is the realization that we (Mike and I) could now be the ones who are the ticking time bombs - just waiting to get sick.
We have done the right thing by not traveling with Gianna while she is still fighting the flu. This is just the beginning of adjusting our plans when it comes to our children - and we are ok with it.
All I have to say is bring it on N1H1- we aren't going down without a fight!
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