Monday, August 24, 2009

Family & Farm Animals

Besides Gianna's birthday party, we have had a lot of fun with Grandma Gertz, Grandpa Ralph, Auntie Monica and (soon to be) Uncle Bri Bri. Everyone was in town over the past week and it was great having the whole family for the first time at our place. We had lots of laughs, discussions of wedding planning, and definitely lots of drinks!

Gianna also has started breaking in her birthday toys - some of her favorites include the tunnel and her princess coupe car. Just this morning (at 7:30am) she was standing at the stairs saying "ca, ca" - so down we went, to ride in her car. She is so cute when she has her sunglasses on, honking the horn and saying "hi" to everyone!

Lastly, the fair was in town so we took Gianna after dinner last week to her first county fair. Of course we had to have some ice cream and enjoyed the company of some very big and loud animals.


Anonymous said...

I want a Princess Coupe Car too! Please!

Aunt Andrea

AUNT FEE said...

great Job as aiways gina!!Love the comments but especially the picturesa!!