Monday, August 17, 2009

1 Year Appointment

We just got back from Gianna's 12 month doctor's appointment. After a Popsicle, she is now down for a nap.

Here is the latest info:
Height - 31 1/4 in. (97%)
Weight - 21.4 lbs. (50%)

This appointment is a little bit longer than usual because they not only do an assessment of her physical attributes but they also check her against various fine/gross motor skills and her social ability.

The doctor said that she is doing extremely well and hitting all of her milestones for this age, he did say she was extremely active and social - doctor code for "Good luck". We go back in 3 months for her 15 month checkup and shots.

Also, we had Gianna's MD birthday party this weekend. I will probably post pictures from that party next week as we have Grandma Gertz and Grandpa in town right now with Aunt Monica and Brian coming on Friday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry we missed Gianna's first birthday celebration. It looks as if a fun time was had by all.
---Aunt Andrea