Sunday, July 5, 2009

What a busy two weeks!

The past two weeks have been filled with a bunch of visitors and numerous holidays.

I have had both sets of grandparents come down for long weekends: Nator and Poppie came two weekends ago then Grandma Gertz and Grandpa Ralph surprised Mama for her 30th birthday this weekend. The weather was great for everyone, there were walks outside, meals on the deck, a few dinners out and of course, lots of smiles. Also this weekend was my 1st 4th of July, so Mama planned a BBQ with a bunch of friends and family in town (we had a little birthday cake for Mama as well). It was great getting to play with all of my friends - Olivia, Isabella, and Cousin Lucas. The cherry on the top is that today is my 11 month birthday and you know what that means --- Monthly Birthday Picture!

Since Photoworks no longer does the sharepage, I have included a new section to the right called "Photoworks Pictures". That is where you will be able to see (and purchase) all of the pictures that were taken whenever a new post is created.
Enjoy all of the pictures of the past few weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks as if everyone had a great visit.

love the new way of sweeping the floor. fun and efficient at the same time.

aunt andrea