Monday, June 8, 2009

Pandas, Apes, and Elephants

So much has happened within the past week or so. It seems like it has been months since we went to NYC but it was only 2 weeks ago. The great news is that Aunt Monica and Brian are coming this weekend and we are all looking forward to that!
Mike and I went out to a local Wine Festival with Mike's cousin, Stephanie and her husband. It was our first experience with a non-family member babysitter for Gianna. The weather was great, the wine was delicious, and the babysitter loved Gianna.
Gianna has become quite the little walker. She loves walking around the house from couch to couch or holding on to our hands. She has taken 4 - 5 steps on her own and then very carefully sits down. We can't believe how much balance she has and know it won't be long until she is walking everywhere. Still her fastest mode of transportation is crawling.
This weekend was a big one! Friday we celebrated Gianna's 10 month birthday and on Saturday had a play date with a bunch of the moms that I have been friends with since Gianna was born. We were all in the same Motherhood class. Needless to say, it was great to see all of the children as they are all within 3-4 weeks of Gianna. Unfortunately, for the group picture, guess who was crying...GIANNA! : )
Yesterday was another Cimineri Family Fun Day! Mike took a vacation day so we took Gianna to the Washington Zoo. The highlights were Pandas, Apes (complete with the new addition - a 5 month old baby girl), and Elephants. We were able to enjoy the wonderful weather and Gianna seemed to have a great time. The day ended with dinner at our favorite Mexican Restaurant and some playing in the family room. It was great having Dada home.

Here are some other pictures over the past few days!

(With distant cousin, Isabella)

1 comment:

Nator said...

It's ok that she was the only one that cried during the group picture. She doesn't ALWAYS have to be the perfect child...(ha, ha)