Monday, June 22, 2009

It is official!


It has been touch and go for about 2 weeks now - 2 or 3 steps here and then she would sit down. About a week ago she did 8 steps (but who is counting) and then I can officially late last week she would just let go and would walk where she wanted. Even today as I was doing things in different rooms instead of crawling to me, she would walk. Unfortunately we got rid of the camera that would take little video's so we worked hard over the weekend to get a few shots of her walking.

Also Aunt Monica was here a few weeks ago so she got to spend some quality time with Gianna...
... walking
... riding her ladybug
... enjoying the deck (we were locked out - long story)
... going to Livi's 1st birthday party

This past weekend was a great one. Friday Mike and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary so Mike took the day off from work. We had another "Cimineri Family Fun Day" which started with taking Gianna to a 'Tumble Tunes' class at the local Romp & Roll, then we went to the pet store, took a walk outside and ended with a great BBQ on the deck. Saturday we got a babysitter to watch Gianna in the evening while we went out to dinner and a movie (The Hangover - it was pretty good). Also, it was no surprise that Gianna was no trouble for the babysitter. Sunday was Mike's first Fathers Day so we had a few gifts and surprised him with a WONDERFUL brunch at The Comus Inn. All in all - a wonderful weekend.

Coming up: Poppie and Nator are coming this weekend which means another date night for Mike & I!!!

**Photoworks Notice: As of June 25th, Photoworks will no longer offer the "Sharepage" feature that we use to post all of the pictures that have been taken (the blog is only a highlight of a few). I'm not sure of the work around yet but I will let you know what I come up with. In the mean time, if you want to see all of the pictures just send me an email and I can email you the photobook.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life will never be the same! Go, Gianna, go!

Congrats to you and Mike on your anniversary - you've had a great five years!

Aunt Andrea