Sunday, May 10, 2009

So many firsts...

...first Mother's Day
...first Tooth
...first pictures with a new camera

It has been an amazing weekend. It started on Friday when Mike and I went to go get a new camera. We are finally to the point that taking pictures of Gianna have become extremely difficult because she moves so much. For every good picture we have, there are about 10 of the side or back of her head. With our new carmera, we can take pictures in a split second and it has caused us to wonder how we have made it this long without it. We took the camera everywhere this weekend I have have included a few of the best pictures but there are a TON more on our photoworks page, feel free to check it out.

This morning was my First Mother's Day which had a theme: Mama Princess Day! It came complete with a boa, crown, wand, and a whistle (if I needed anything). Gianna and Dada were up at 5 AM this morning decorating the house and getting everything ready. I had a wonderful day that included brunch at a local restaurant and going to a park to enjoy the beautiful weather. It was great just being able to spend the day together relaxing. THANK YOU MIKE & GIANNA!

Lastly - I wanted to Congratulate Grandpa Ralph for winning the tooth competition! He had picked May 15th and as of this morning, Gianna's first bottom right tooth had broken the surface! Grandpa Ralph - your gift will be in the mail shortly.
Enjoy all of the pictures!


Nator said...

I love 'em, love 'em, love 'em! Not sure about the balloon though(just a little Palermo there!).

Anonymous said...

...especially love the photo with the three of you. it's beautiful.

aunt andrea