Tuesday, May 5, 2009

9 Month Birthday

I know it's been a while since we have posted pictures so this post is going to have a bunch of them. There have been new developments over the past few weeks. First we had Grandma Nator and Poppie in town for a long weekend to play and help us paint the deck. They even babysat so Mike and I could go out for 'date night'. Also, Gianna has learned where the stairs are and has started climbing them. A few weeks ago she even made it up the first 8 stairs to the first landing (which was caught on video). Gianna has mastered crawling and has starting to enjoy feeding herself, which makes meal times so much fun.

Lastly, today is Gianna's 9 month birthday so here are the birthday pictures. She doesn't sit still like she used to so we had 2 photo shoots -- the first was in her pj's and the second was in her birthday outfit (although she wouldn't let me put the hat back on her head). She has her 9 month doctor's appointment on Friday so I will post this weekend with her latest stats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a smile!!!

How nice to have so many visitors.

Aunt Andrea