Tuesday, April 21, 2009

So much to catch you up on

Over the past few weeks we have been extremely busy with visitors, holidays, and even a trip home.
Gianna's First Easter: We were so excited to have Great Aunt Nina and Cousin Anna travel down from Buffalo, NY to celebrate Gianna's first Easter with us. We had a beautiful Easter mass followed by a lovely Easter brunch. Gianna spent the entire day in her Easter dress and loved it.

Also, Gianna took her first metro ride and headed down to Washington DC with everyone for a little sight seeing - she was a trooper!

Trip to Rochester: This past weekend we went home to Rochester for a friends birthday party. While there, Gianna went to her first jazz concert to hear Grandpa Ralph play the guitar. Gianna was prepared as she brought her own guitar to the 'gig' as well (she also was lucky to see Great Aunt Dalinda - let's go Bona's!!!) . The majority of the weekend was spent crawling on the floor with Grandpa Ralph, being fed by Grandma Gertz, or chasing the Darwin and Django (the CATs). Gianna also had her first piano concert.

On Sunday, we had a family get together at Great Aunt Fee Fee's house. Gianna was so excited to see everyone, had a wonderful time and even met her cousin Sammy for the first time.

Latest Developments: Still no teeth - I know I know - we jumped the gun! Stay tuned though. I feel like they are coming any day now. (Let's put it this way, I know they are in there because we saw them on the ultrasound). Gianna is crawling every where, loves to play with plastic containers in the kitchen, and is pulling her self up on anything she can find. We feel it is just a matter of time until she is walking! Should we do a "Gianna's First Step Competition"?

Also, a congratulations are in order to Damian, Stephanie and Aidan Brant who welcomed their new family member on April 15th - Isabella Colleen Brant. Check out their blog for the latest pictures and Brant family events.

**There are a lot of additional pictures that I did not put in this post. Please visit our photoworks share page on the right to see everything from the past few weeks.

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