Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I know - it's been awhile

Sorry to all blog fans - it has definitely been a while since we have posted a blog. We have had a very busy past few weeks with visitors. First is was a long weekend with Aunt Monica while Mike was in CA, then Grandma Gertz came during her spring break for a week and then Poppie and Grandma Nator were here last week. It has been so much fun having everyone to play with Gianna and allow Mike and I to have a few date nights (I don't recommend "He's just not that into you" OR "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" -- sad but true, those were the movies we saw on our date nights).

During this time, Gianna has grown so much. She now rolls all over the floor - never staying in the place where we put her. She can sit up unassisted and tries to stand on her own, although her little legs aren't strong enough to hold her. She now reaches out for Mike and I, and loves to do things and look for our praise.

Gianna has also tried a bunch of different foods. I'm not sure if I told you but avocado, although great with margarita's and chips, was not one of her favorites. She deals with zucchini and would rather not eat cauliflower. It seems like her favorites are still butternut squash, apples, bananas, and sweet potatoes. I think I'm going to give her more fruit although I read that I can't give her strawberries?? I have to look more into that but we are also going to try meats in the next week or so. I'm not sure if I'm going to puree the meats myself or buy it from the store. Pureeing chicken and steak just seems...well....gross. Any advice?

This past weekend Gianna started her Waterbabies Swim Class. She is so cute in her little bathing suit and Mama had the honor of dunking her not once, but 3 times! She was such a trooper and didn't even cry. I am definitely looking forward to this weekends class when both Mama and Dada will be in the pool with her!

We also wanted to thank everyone who is participating in the Tooth Competition - - although there is still no sign of a tooth. Sounds like we really jumped the gun on this one.

Coming soon...PICTURES!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some other vegetables Gianna might like are carrots, edamame, sweet baby peas, acorn squash, pumpkin, lentils and jicama. It seems that she enjoys the "sweeter" vegetables and these all fall into that category.

If you do decide to try these (and maybe you already have), I would buy the frozen edamame and peas. I would also buy the edamame without the pods.

Jicama is almost the same as apple; it's so good and if she likes apples, she'll like this.

Strawberries aren't recommended for young babies b/c of the potential for an allergic reaction. If you start babies too early on something like this (before their system is ready), you run the risk of lifelong allergies.

I'm with you. Buy the prepared meat. Grinding meat is not for the faint-hearted. glad you had so many visitors these past few weeks. Have fun at Waterbabies!!!