Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bath time & Mr. Easter Bunny

Cimineri Family Bonding Time!

The thing we look forward to the most is when we get ready for Gianna's bath. We take our time, get Gianna undressed, roll on the floor, play with some toys and do a little walking. Here are some pictures and a great video from bath time the other day.

This weekend was spent preparing for Gianna's first Easter. We went to the mall and got her Easter outfit (complete with bonnet) and took her to see the Easter bunny at the mall. It took her a little while for her to warm up to this big furry bunny (doesn't look like the pictures that Mama shows) but in the end we got some great pictures.


Monica said...

Oh my gosh! I LOVE HER!!

Unknown said...

...what a sweetheart!!!

Maryland Mommy said...

what a cutie!!!