Monday, February 9, 2009

Monthly Pictures

Thursday was Gianna's actual 6 month birthday which of course began with her monthly birthday picture. We figured because this was a bigger milestone, we would change up the outfit this month - pictures in her birthday suit!

Also, for those of you who didn't know, Mike had to go to California for work Thursday - Saturday so Aunt Monica came to 'play'. We had a relaxing cozy day on Friday staying in our PJ's until 2PM and enjoyed the great weather on Saturday by going to the mall (the temp. got up to 65). Aunt Monica took most of the pictures on her camera so once I get them, I will add a bunch to the blog.

  • 6 month doctors appointment: Everything went great. Gianna is developing right on track. Her weight is 16lbs 1 oz (50%) and height is 27 1/2 inches (95%)
  • Solids: Gianna LOVES apples and butternut squash. She is learning to enjoy banana's but still doesn't really enjoy peas. You know what that means -- peas are up in the rotation very soon! Over the next few weeks she will get to try broccoli, cauliflower, avocado, and zucchini!
  • Teeth?: Nope!


Anonymous said...

...glad to hear that aunt monica had a fun w/e with you and gianna. looking forward to seeing more photos.

aunt andrea

Maryland Mommy said...

Gianna is just so stinkin' cute, Gina!!! I can't wait to get a good cuddle with that sweet little angel! :)