Thursday, January 29, 2009

Gianna's First Tooth Competition

Mike and I thought that it would be fun for family and friends that read the blog to participate in a friendly competition: guessing the day that Gianna has her first tooth.

Gianna's First Tooth Competition
Rules: The person who comes closest to the day Gianna has her first tooth without going over wins a prize from Gianna. Each person can pick only 1 day and you can not pick a day that has already been chosen.
How to play: Please post a comment to this blog with the following information: Your name, email address, and which day you would like. I will keep track of everyones pick and will submit a post when the tooth comes in and who won. Verbal entries will not be taken. You must post to the blog to enter the competition so other people can see the dates that are no longer available.

For those who don't know how to post a comment, at the bottom of this blog you will see "Created by Cimineri Family at 3:04PM


Maryland Mommy said...

First tooth will be in on Feb 19th

Anonymous said...

First tooth will make it's debut on February 28th :) Probably before Livi at the rate she's going! ha

Anonymous said...

First tooth will be on February 1st.

Aunt Andrea

Anonymous said...

Uncle Lou chooses February 14th for the sweet little girl that she is.

Anonymous said...

First tooth will be April 1st

Anonymous said...

Uncle Lou stole my day so I will go with February 7 -- I'll be there to witness it! :-)

Anonymous said...

2/2/09 tooth appears.Winter is over!!!

Nator said...

Nator picks February 13 and Poppie picks February 21st.

Cathy said...

Ok I am trying this again..... Both Gina and Monica didn't get their teeth until they were a year old! So I am going farther out into the year.... March 8th for me
and May 15th for Dad. Do you recognize the dates?

Stephanie said...

My guess is 2/16...we shall see. :-)

Brian & Monica said...

I'm going to go with February 19, 2009 ...


Brian & Monica said...

Well clearly I do not follow directions, I would like to change my date to February 23, 2009 and apologize for my mistake!


ambersworld said...

Hi all, Amber Smith is joining the competition, better late than never:)
My guess, April 8, perfect day for a shiny new tooth!