Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Carrots? Check

Over the weekend Gianna experienced her first adult food - carrots. I had heard horror stories of baby's rejecting all different types of foods so we were ready for anything. To our pleasant surprise, there was NO DRAMA - what so ever (and she comes from a long line of drama queens). She just ate the carrots and kind of looked at us as if to say - what is the big deal and why is Dada taking so many pictures?

Sweet potatoes are going well - up next: Apples!

Side Note(s):
  • We are anticipating a tooth making its appearance any day now. We will keep you posted!
  • Gianna has rolled from her back to her stomach a few times now (you may remember she rolls from her stomach to her back all the time). Once she gets that down we are in a lot of trouble.
  • Fronk is starting to warm up to her - enough for them to share the same blanket for a nap
  • Gianna loves sitting up and playing with her toys. She loves playing Bach on her 'Baby Grand Piano'.


Anonymous said...

It's a very "long line"..haha

Anonymous said...

Did you use the Beaba Babycook to make the carrots? I just watched the video of W-S preparing sweet potatoes.

Gianna sure is growing up fast.

Aunt Andrea