Wednesday, January 7, 2009

5 Month Birthday!

January 5th was Gianna's 5 month birthday! For all of you blog fanatic's, you know what that means (say it together)


Small milestones this month. We were able to keep the birthday hat on straight although Gianna didn't want to look at the camera. Either way, they're great photos.

Everyone is back to a regular schedule and the trip back to Ms Bina's was a little difficult. Apparently Gianna didn't take long naps so she was a little crabby later that night but we're hoping everything settles back into a pattern. This morning when I dropped her off she seemed much better and was even playing with her BFF Sarah.

She has been doing a lot better sitting up and aside from the face plant into one of her toys on Monday, she seems to be enjoying her new found view of the world.

Here are some extra pic's from the past few days and a video to make you smile! Enjoy!


Maryland Mommy said...

Gina...she is so stinking cute!!!! I love it and really can't wait to meet her!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i don't think Tijen checks your blog all the time, if she did, she'd probably have killed herself after seeing these pics of gianna with stuff in her hair. she's about 2 seconds away from putting a wig on olivia.

Anonymous said...

Trying again...thanks for "hand-holding" me through this learning curve.

Q - Who's cuter than Gianna?

A - No one.

She's perfect. We love her.

Aunt Andrea