Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Our first sick day

It all began yesterday with some vomitting after Gianna's morning feeding. Ok, I can't lie, it wasn't some vomitting -- it was a lot of vomitting. After I dried both of us off, I took her temperature and she didn't have a fever. I figured it was just something I ate the night before, the fact that I had a hard morning workout, or a side effect of the shots she got the day before. I mentioned it to Bina so she could keep me posted if she kept vomiting.

I spoke to Bina around noon and all was good!

Then at 4:30 my cell rang and "Bina" popped up on the caller ID. (Talk about your heart stopping because I knew she wasn't calling to say hi). She wanted to let me know that Gianna has been sleeping a ton and just threw up her 3:45 feeding. She thought I should call the doctor just to make sure everything was ok.

After leaving two messages for the on-call doctor and waiting an hour and a half, I finally got a return call.

The diagnosis (so far): .a small stomach bug.
The solution: keep her home from Bina's, smaller feedings more frequently, alternating breast milk and Pedialyte.

Since she woke up this morning, we have had two small feedings with very little spit up and she's down for her second cat nap. Keep your fingers crossed.

From a work perspective, I'm going to see if I can keep some of my afternoon conference calls but am willing to move them if I need to. Only problem is that if I need to reschedule I wouldn't be able to meet again until middle of January as my schedule is booked. It's a good problem to have but I feel bad for the people I might need to move. Flexibility is my middle name.

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