Sunday, December 28, 2008

One word...


We have arrived home for the holidays and we brought more then just gifts...we brought the norovirus (or at least that is our diagnosis).

What is the norovirus? A group of viruses that cause the “stomach flu,” or gastroenteritis, in people.

The good news is that it is a hard and fast illness. We think Gianna started it last Wednesday when she was home from day care because of vomiting. She recovered quickly and all was good until Friday night when Mike woke up sick. We weren't sure if it was food poisoning (we went out to dinner the night before) or possibly the flu. Not knowing exactly what it was and seeing as though I felt fine, we decided to hop in the car and head to out next destination. Half way there, I started to feel sick which typically wouldn't be a big deal but I was driving. By the time we arrived, Mike was driving (because he felt better) and every joint in my body was aching.

Fast forward 18 hours and I healed.
12 hours later - my mom had it (for 3 days).
12 hours later - my dad had it (for 1 day).
We were able to break the cycle with my sister - who lived with Lysol in her hands!

Oh and by the way, there are no antibiotics and just a few basic ways to avoid the norovirus such as washing hands and staying away from infected individuals.

'Tis the season to share with friends and family right?

Learn all about the norovirus on the CDC website.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like blogs how I like my books...with lots of pictures!